156 books
Hearing on H.R. 3605, to establish the San Rafael Western Legacy District in Utah, and for other purposes
Chesapeake Bay oyster restoration, management & research
H.R. 3401, H.R. 3954, and H.R. 3962
Operations of the water delivery system
The developing crisis facing wildlife species due to bushmeat consumption
The discharge effects of the Washington Aqueduct
Developing economic uses for forest fuels
Maximizing power generation at federal facilities
Status of federal western water resources
Twelfth regular meeting of COP12 of CITES
H.R. 511, H.R. 708, H.R. 1038 and H.R. 1651
H.R. 1230, to establish the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge in the state of Michigan
CALFED's cross-cut budget
The President's fiscal year 2003 budget request for the U.S. Geological Survey; the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement; and the Minerals Management Service
FY'03 Forest Service program budget
Hearing on H.R. 834, a bill to extend the authorization for the National Historic Preservation Fund, and for other purposes
Upcoming issues at the twelfth regular meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP12)
Process gridlock on the national forests
H.R. 4910 and H.R. 5123
H.R. 1616 and H.R. 1964
Kyoto global warming treaty's impact on Ohio's coal-dependent communities
H.R. 3480 and H.R. 3606
H.R. 2963, to establish the Deep Creek Wilderness Area
National fire plan Implementation