50,920 books • 54 series
Pamphlets in Favor of Woman Suffrage (Volume 3)
The Works of Nathanael Emmons with a Memoir of His Life
Fores's Sporting Notes and Sketches (Volume 9 )
Jordan's Parliamentary Journal, for the Year MDCCXCIII- (Volume 1); Being an Accurate and Impartial History of the Dabates and Proceedings of Both Houses of Parliament
The Asiatic Quarterly Review (Volume 3)
The Asiatic Quarterly Review (Volume 7-8)
The Presbyterian Quarterly Review (Volume 1)
American Journal of Psychiatry (Volume 77)
American Journal of Psychiatry (Volume 58)
American Journal of Psychiatry (Volume 66)
American Journal of Psychiatry (Volume 74)
The Miscellaneous Documents of the Representatives
French Influence Upon English Counsels Demonstrated from an Impartial Examination of Our Measures for Twenty Years Past. from Whence Is Shewn the Necessity of Excluding Effectually, Most Placemen, and All Pensioners, from Having Seats in the House of
Index to the Miscellaneous Documents of the House of Representatives for the First Session of the Forty-Seventh Congress, 1881-82
The Bible Herald (Volume 3)
Annual Report - Illinois State Bee-Keepers' Association (Volume 3)
The Presbyterian and Reformed Review (Volume 10)
Alhambra (Volume 13)
Classic Tales by Famous Aurthor Complete in Twenty Volumes Volume IV
Department Store Merchandise Manuals (Volume 8)
Collections of the Maine Historical Society.
Letter to the People, on the Protestant Established Church, and the Irish Tithe Question, by a Late Member of Parliament
Bulletin - New York (State). State Museum and Science Service (Volume 124)
Bench and Bar (Volume 7); The Monthly Magazine for Lawyers