50,919 books • 54 series
School Administration Progress of Twenty-Five Years, 1891-1916
The Harmonium
A Select History of the Lives and Sufferings of the Principal English Protestant Martyrs; Chiefly of Those Executed in the Bloody Reign of Queen Mary. Carefully Extracted from Fox, and Other Writers Being Designed as a Cheap and Useful Book for Protestant
Murray's Magazine (Volume 9, Nos. 49-52)
The Indispensable English Vade Mecum, or Pocket Companion to Paris
Fargo, the Gateway of the Northeast
History of Oamaru and North Otago, New Zealand, from 1883 to the End of 1889
Medical Clinics of Chicago (Volume 1)
Old Memories of the Stukeleys
Buffalo Medical Journal and Monthly Review (Volume 13)
Freemason's Monthly (Volume 1)
Harper's Magazine (Volume 5)
Friendship, Love, and Truth
The National Miscellany (Volume 1); A Magazine of General Literature
The Unitarian Baptist Advocate (Volume 1-3)
Palmyra; Being Letters of Lucius M. Piso from Palmyra to His Friend Mareus Curtius at Rome Republished from Chamber's People's Editions
Politics for the People
The Metropolitan (Volume 29)
The Methodist Review (Volume 12;v. 56;v. 78)
Journal of Morphology (Volume 12)
Methodist Review (Volume 85)
Gentleman's Magazine Library (Volume 5); Hampshire. Huntingdonshire
The North American Review (Volume 181, PT. 1)
The Nineteenth Century (Volume 10)