457 books • 51 series
Complete Writings
The Correspondence (Correspondence, VI)
Walt Whitman's Diary In Canada
The Collected Writings of Walt Whitman
Selected Poems of Walt Whitman (Library of Philosophy and Religion)
I Hear America Singing
The Wound Dresser
Walt Whitman's Camden Conversations
Leaves of Grass: Authoritative Texts, Prefaces, Whitman on His Art, Criticism
Walt Whitman at Home
The Tenderest Lover
An American Primer
Specimen Days
Faint Clews and Indirections
The Poems of Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman's Workshop
Representative Selections
Quarterly Review of Literature (Quarterly Review of Literature, VOL.)
Walt Whitman (Studio Book) (The Great Poets)
The Portable Walt Whitman (Viking Portable Library; 78)
The Gathering of the Forces
Poems and Prose