457 books • 51 series
The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman Volume 3
The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman (Volume 8)
Poems of Walt Whitman (Leaves of Grass)
The Uncollected Poetry and Prose of Walt Whitman, Much of Which Has Been But Recently Discovered
The Book of Heavenly Death
Uncollected Poetry and Prose, Much of Which Has Been But Recently Discovered, with Various Early Manuscripts Now First Published (Volume 2)
Gems from Walt Whitman
Poets of America
Uncollected Poetry and Prose, Much of Which Has Been But Recently Discovered, with Various Early Manuscripts Now First Published (Volume 1)
Two Rivulets. Including Democratic Vistas, Centennial Songs, and Passage to India
The Rolling Earth
Memories of President Lincoln
Leaves of Grass, 1860 (Iowa Whitman)
Specimen Days (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading)
Complete Prose Works (1910)
Leaves of Grasswith Introduction by Ernest Rhys
Leaves of Grass (Barnes & Noble Classics Series)
Specimen Days in America
The Americanness of Walt Whitman
Complete Prose Works (Dodo Press)
Drum-Taps (Dodo Press)
Leaves Of Grass - Vol III
The Complete Prose Works Of Walt Whitman - Volume VI
The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman