187 books
The Council of Dogs
The Works of Alexander Pope, with Notes and Illustrations by Himself and Others. to Which Are Added a New Life of the Author ... and Occasional Remark
The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. (Dissertation on the Character of Lucrezia Borgia.-F. Arsilli de Poetis Urbanis Ad P. Jovium Libellus.). Vol.I
The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. Dissertation on the Character of Lucrezia Borgia. (F. Arsilli de Poetis Urbanis Ad P. Jovium Libellus.). Vol. III
The Works of Alexander Pope, with notes and illustrations by himself and others. To which are added a new life of the author ... and occasional remarks by W. Roscoe. VOL. III
The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. (Dissertation on the Character of Lucrezia Borgia.-F. Arsilli de Poetis Urbanis Ad P. Jovium Libellus.).
The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. (Dissertation on the Character of Lucrezia Borgia.-F. Arsilli de Poetis Urbanis Ad P. Jovium Libellus.). Vol. IV
The Butterfly's Ball, and the Grasshopper's Feast. by Mr. Roscoe. to Which Is Added, an Original Poem, Entitled a Winter's Day. by Mr. Smith, of Stand. (a New and Improved Edition, with New Plates.)
Mount Pleasant
A Scriptural Refutation of a Pamphlet, Lately Published by the REV. Raymund Harris, Intitled, "Scriptural Researches on the Licitness of the Slave Trade." in Four Letters from the Author to a Friend. the Second Edition.
Vita E Pontificato Di Leone X., Di Guglielmo Roscoe. Tradotta E Corredata Di Annotazioni E Di Alcuni Documenti Inediti Dal Conte Cav. Luigi Bossi Volume 5
The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth V1
The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth V2
The Poetical Works of William Roscoe
The Butterfly's Funeral
Vita E Pontificato Di Leone X., Di Guglielmo Roscoe. Tradotta E Corredata Di Annotazioni E Di Alcuni Documenti Inediti Dal Conte Cav. Luigi Bossi Volume 2
An Address, Delivered Before the Proprietors of the Botanic Garden in Liverpool, Previous to Opening the Garden, May 3, 1802; To Which Are
Vita E Pontificato Di Leone X/Di Guglielmo Roscoe .. Volume 01-02
A General View of the African Slave-trade, Demonstrating its Injustice and Impolicy
Thoughts on the Causes of the Present Failures.
Strictures on Mr. Burke's Two Letters, Addressed to a Member of the Present Parliament. Part the First.
The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, Called the Magnificent. by William Roscoe. the Third Edition, Corrected. .. Volume 1 of 2
The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, Called the Magnificent. by William Roscoe. the Third Edition, Corrected. .. Volume 2 of 2
The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, Called the Magnificent. by William Roscoe. ... Volume 1 of 2