187 books
Vita E Pontificato Di Leone X. Di Guglielmo Roscoe (9-10)
Vie Et Pontificat de L on X, Volume 2
The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, Called the Magnificent (3)
Observations on Penal Jurisprudence; And the Reformation of Criminals. with an Appendix Containing the Latest Reports of the State-Prisons or Penitentiaries of Philadelphia, New-York, and Massachusetts and Other Documents Volume 3
A Letter to William Lisle Bowles in Reply to His 'Final Appeal to the Literary Public Relative to Pope'
Catalogue of the Genuine and Entire Collection of Prints, Books of Prints, The Property of William Roscoe, Esq., Which Will Be Sold by Auction, by Mr. Winstanley, at His Rooms in Marble-Street, Liverpool, on Monday the 9th of
The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth Volume 4; In Four Volumes
The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth Volume 3; In Four Volumes
The Life of Lorenzo de Medicis Called the Magnificent, 1
The Life of Lorenzo de Medici Volume 2; Called the Magnificent
The Life of Lorenzo de Medici Volume 1; Called the Magnificent
The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, Called the Magnificent Volume 4
The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, Called the Magnificent Volume 2
Observations on Penal Jurisprudence, and the Reformation of Criminals; With an Appendix Containing the Latest Reports of the State-Prisons or Penitentiaries of Philadelphia, New-York, and Massachusetts and Other Documents
Vie de Laurent de Medicis,
The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq., with Notes and Illustrations, by Himself and Others. to Which Are Added, a New Life of the Author, an Estimate of His Poetical Character and Writings, and Occasional Remarks by William Roscoe, Esq, Volume 4...
The Butterfly's Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast, or Harlequin and the Genius of Spring
The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq., with Notes and Illustrations, by Himself and Others. to Which Are Added, a New Life of the Author, an Estimate of His Poetical Character and Writings, and Occasional Remarks by William Roscoe, Esq, Volume 3
Catalogue of the Very Select and Valuable Library of William Roscoe, Esq; Which Will Be Sold by Auction,
Remarks on the Proposals Made to Great Britain for Opening Negotiations for Peace in the Year 1807
The Poetical Works of William Roscoe; Published in Honour of the Centenary of His Birthday. March VIII., MDCCCLIII.
Observations on Penal Jurisprudence; And the Reformation of Criminals
The Works of Alexander Pope (Volume 2); With Notes and Illustrations by Himself and Others. to Which Are Added, a New Life of the Author, an Estimate of His Poetical Character and Writings, and Occasional Remarks
The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth [Ed. by W. Hazlitt].