279 books • 49 series
Selections from the Works of John Donne
The Works of John Donne, D.D. Dean of Saint Paul's, 1621-1631 (Volume 4); With a Memoir of His Life
Selections from the Works of ---, DV_.DV_.
The Poems of John Donne (Volume 1); Miscellaneous Poems (Songs and Sonnets) Elegies. Epithalamions, or Marriage Songs. Satires. Epigrams. the Progress of the Soul. Notes
The Works of John Donne (Volume 3); Dean of Saint Paul's, 1621-1631
The Works of John Donne (Volume 6); Dean of Saint Paul's, 1621-1631
The Works of John Donne (Volume 4); Dean of Saint Paul's, 1621-1631
The Works of John Donne (Volume 6); With a Memoir of His Life
The Works of John Donne (Volume 1); With a Memoir of His Life
The Works of John Donne (Volume 2); With a Memoir of His Life
The Poetical Works of Dr. John Donne: With a Memoir (Classic Reprint)
The Works of John Donne (Volume 5); With a Memoir of His Life
The Works of John Donne (Volume 5); Dean of Saint Paul's, 1621-1631
The Works of John Donne (Volume 3); With a Memoir of His Life
The Works of John Donne (Volume 1); Dean of Saint Paul's, 1621-1631
Sermons; Selected Passages, with an Essay by Logan Pearsall Smith
Letters to Severall Persons of Honour. the Text Edited, with Notes
Donne's Sermons; Selected Passages, with an Essay by Logan Pearsall Smith
Richard Burton Reads the Poetry of John Donne
The Metaphysical Poets
John Donne's Devotions
Letters to Severall Persons of Honour Written by John Donne, Sometime Deane of St. Pauls London; Published by John Donne, Dr. of the CIVILL Law. (1654)
Biathanatos a Declaration of That Paradoxe or Thesis, That Selfe-Homicide Is Not So Naturally Sinne, That It May Never Be Otherwise
Ignatius, His Conclave, Or, His Inthronisation in a Late Election in Hell Wherein Many Things Are Mingled by Way of Satyr Concerning the Disposition of Jesuites, the Creation of a New Hell, the Establishing of a Church in the Moon (1653)