279 books • 49 series
The Sermons of John Donne
Love Poems (Phoenix 60p paperbacks - the literature of passion)
Divine Poems (Oxford English Texts)
Paradoxes and Problems (Oxford English Texts)
Volume I: The Text of the Poems with Appendices (The Poems of John Donne)
Volume II: Introduction and Commentary (The Poems of John Donne)
The Love Poems of John Donne
The Epithalamions, Anniversaries, and Epicedes (Oxford English Texts)
The John Donne Treasury (Great Christian Classics)
We Lie Down in Hope
The Flea
Letters to Several Persons of Honour (Anglistica & Americana S., #148)
Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions
Prebend Sermons
The Complete English Poems (Poets S.) (Everyman Classics)
Poetry amd Prose (Clarendon English S.)
Donne's Prebend Sermons
Five Sermons Upon Special Occasions
No Man is an Island
Poems (Anglistica & Americana S., #94)
Death's Duell
Ignatius His Conclave