John Tyndall resides in London, Ontario. His publications include Thirteen Poems: From the Bruce Peninsula (1974), Howlcat Fugues. This book was also chosen by the Library Journal as one of the ten best small-press poetry books of 1976.His first book published by Black Moss was titled Free Rein (2001). His poems have also appeared on thespoken-word CD entitled Souwesto Words: 25 Poets In Southwestern Ontario, Canada (1999) and in the anthologies That Sign of Perfection, Losers First, I Want to Be the Poet of Your Kneecaps, Henrys Creature, and Following the Plough..Tyndalls poetry has been praised in the University of Toronto Quarterly for its strange iridescent language, and by the Library Journal for its Osurrealistic melding of poetry and art.
Sep 10, 2010
Cover of Count Rumford

Count Rumford

Apr 6, 2010
Cover of Heat


Mar 3, 2010
Cover of On Radiation

On Radiation

Feb 26, 2010
Cover of In den Alpen

In den Alpen