John Tyndall lives in London, Ontario with his wife, storyteller, Diane Halpin. He worked over four decades at The D.B. Weldon Library at Western University, helping generations of students discover and document information for their academic research. His previous books include The Fee for Exaltation (Black Moss, 2007) and Free Rein (Black Moss, 2001). His poems have also appeared in many anthologies, such as Translating Horses: The Line, The Thread, The Underside (Baseline, 2015), edited by Jessica Hiemstra and Gillian Sze, and the journals The Windsor Review and The Fiddlehead. This year of 2020 marks the fiftieth anniversary of his first meeting with John B. Lee in an introductory class to English Literature at Western.
Apr 17, 2013
Cover of Das Wasser

Das Wasser