859 books
Subcommittee hearing on the impact of CMS regulations and programs on small health care providers
Subcommittee hearing on regulatory burdens on small firms
The trade advisory committee system
Full committee hearing on SBA's progress in implementing the Women's Procurement Program
Department of Defense's work with states, universities, and students to transform the nation's foreign language capacity
Air sovereignty alert operations
Current manning, equipping and readiness challenges facing Special Operations forces
Sexual assault in the military
Not what the doctor ordered
Addressing disparities in health and healthcare
Challenges facing the child welfare system
New models for delivering and paying for Medicare services
Third in a series of three hearings on the pending job-creating trade agreements
Currency manipulation and its effect on U.S. businesses and workers
Hearing on Social Security's finances
Security challenges arising from the global financial crisis
Health reform in the 21st century
Expiring Medicare provider payment policies
Ten years after the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force
Transformation in progress
A third way Pt. 4 of 4
Assessment of U.S. strategy and operations in Afghanistan and the way ahead
Implications of the National Intelligence Estimate regarding al Qaeda
The military health system