859 books
Implementation of the Medicare drug benefit
Coordinating requirements, budgets, and acquisition
The state of the military health care system
Hearing on clearing the disability backlog
Implementation of the Base Realignment and Closure 2005 decisions
Full committee hearing on the impact of the 2006-2007 drought on Georgia's economy
Department of the Navy and Air Force combat aviation programs
The appropriateness of retirement plan fees
Impact of gaps in health coverage on income security
Nuclear weapons complex modernization
The views of military advocacy and beneficiary groups
Improving programs designed to protect at-risk youth
Department of Defense body armor programs
Don't ask, don't tell review
The Department of Defense's efficiency initiative
Beyond service core competency
Full committee hearing on RESPA and its impact on small business /
Security developments in the areas of responsibility of the U.S. Southern Command, Northern Command, Africa Command, and Joint Forces Command
Subcommittee hearing on the impact of competitive bidding on small businesses in the durable medical equipment community
Challenges and obstacles wounded and injured service members face during recovery /
Health care law's impact on the Medicare program and its beneficiaries
The Comptroller General's progress report on Iraq
Accountability and oversight in the Medicare Advantage program
Supporting the reserve components as an operational reserve and key reserve personnel legislative initiatives