177 books • 6 series
The Peace-President, a Brief Appreciation
The League of Youth
Rosmersholm the Lady from the Sea
Gems (? of German Thought
Masks or Faces a Study in the Pdychology of Acting
Ibsen's Prose Dramas
The Dramatic Year 1887-88
God and Mr. Wells
The Theatrical 'World' of 1897
Theatrical 'World'
The Life, Trial, and Death of Francisco Ferrer (1911)
The Thirteen Days, July 23-August 4, 1914
The Green Goddess
William Charles Macready
About the Theatre; Essays and Studies
America To-Day, Observations and Reflections
Play-Making (Drama Production)
Eminent Actors
A National Theater
America To-Day (Travel in America)
Tales of Two Countries
Our Wondrous Trip (Travel in America)
America To-Day, Observations and Reflections (Dodo Press)
The Pirates's Progress