177 books • 6 series
Let Youth But Know, a Plea for Reason in Education, by Kappa
Eminent Actors (Volume 1-3 )
The Theatrical 'World' of 1893-[97]
The Dramatic Year [1887-88]; Brief Criticisms of Important Theatrical Events in the United States
The Theatrical 'World' of 1893-[97] (Volume 2)
Prose Dramas (Volume 4); Emperor and Galilean
The Works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 16)
The Theatrical 'World'. (Volume 1893)
Study & Stage; A Year-Book of Criticism
The Theatrical 'World' Volume 1
War Is War; Or, the Germans in Belgium, a Drama. Or, the Germans in Belgium a Drama of 1914
Knowledge and Character bound with The Modern Teacher(RLE Edu K) (Routledge Library Editions: Education)
Pillars of Society, Play in Four Acts;
Study and Stage
Eskimo Life. Translated by W. Archer. with Illustrations.
Henry Irving, Actor and Manager, a Critical Study
Works; Volume 7
Works; Volume 2
A Doll's House
Rosmersholm; The Lady from the Sea; Hedda Gabler
Real Conversations Recorded by William Archer (1904)
America Today America Today
The League of Youth, Comedy in Five Acts;