4,292 books • 1 series
A review of the development of democracy in Burma
H.R. 4910 and H.R. 5123
Administrative law, adjudicatory issues, and privacy ramifications of creating a Department of Homeland Security
H.R. 1616 and H.R. 1964
Slavery throughout the world
S. 1233, the Product Packaging Protection Act
Countering the changing threat of international terrorism
The Telecom Act five years later
Department of Agriculture fiscal year 2002 budget priorities
Kyoto global warming treaty's impact on Ohio's coal-dependent communities
Internet security
Alternative treatments for timber; land exchange in Arizona; Payment in Lieu of Taxes Program; and Valles Caldera Preservation Act
Department of State fiscal year 2003 budget priorities
S. 2046, Next Generation Internet in the President's fiscal year 2001 budget
School crime prevention programs
Buffalo soldiers, protection of paleontological resources, Hibben Center, boundaries at Gunnison, Kris Eggle Center, Lewis and Clark Center, and Carter G. Woodson Home
Plant Breeders Equity Act of 2002
H.R. 3480 and H.R. 3606
Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2001
H.R. 2963, to establish the Deep Creek Wilderness Area
National fire plan Implementation
Protecting our homeland against terror
H.R. 3937, H.R. 4882, H.R. 4883, H.R. 4966, and oversight hearing on the National Coastal and Ocean Service Authorization Act; the National Marine Fisheries Service Authorization Act; and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Service Authorization
Nomination of Harold D. Stratton, Jr., to be Commissioner and Chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission