4,292 books • 1 series
H.R. 1230, to establish the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge in the state of Michigan
CALFED's cross-cut budget
DOE's Office of Science
Grazing management
The President's fiscal year 2003 budget request for the U.S. Geological Survey; the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement; and the Minerals Management Service
FY'03 Forest Service program budget
Child Abduction Prevention Act
Homeland Security Act of 2002
Federal biodefense readiness
Miscellaneous public lands and national forests bills
The President's budget for fiscal year 2003
Proposed fiscal year 2004 budget request for the Department of the Interior
Rural health care facility on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation
How do we promote democratization, poverty alleviation, and human rights to build a more secure future?
Promoting technology and education
Oversight hearing on the STB's moratorium on major rail mergers and 15-month rulemaking proceedings on future mergers
Examining the work of the Overseas Presence Review Panel
Trust Fund Reform Task Force
Law enforcement treaties
Fremont-Madison conveyance, Tualatin River Basin, Irvine Basin Surface, Hawaii Water Resources, and amend Reclamation Projects Act
Hearing on H.R. 834, a bill to extend the authorization for the National Historic Preservation Fund, and for other purposes
Upcoming issues at the twelfth regular meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP12)
Defense of Privacy Act and privacy in the hands of the government
Process gridlock on the national forests