101,451 books • 153 series
Charlestown Land Records, 1638-1802
Eleventh Anunual Catalogue of The Officers and Students of Shepherd College; 1884
Catalogue of the Skaats Collection of Fine Modern Oil-paintings, by Foreign and American Artists
Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Boston College; 1882-83
History of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Descriptive Catalogue of Hardy Tender Bulbs Sold by Hovey & Co
Etchings & Dry Points
New York Clipper (October 1883)
Forty-First Annual Catalogue and Register of Howard College 1882 - 1883
Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar Alphabet
Descriptive and Priced Catalogue of Sunnyside Small Fruit Nursery
Forty-Third Annual Catalogue Bethel College; Course of Instruction 1892-93
Eighty-Second Annual Catalogue of Boldoin College for the Academical Year 1883-84
Catalogue of Ancient and Modern Pictures, from Different Private Collections
Minutes of the Thirty-third Annual Session of the Judson Baptist Association (Ala.) 1883
Maryville College Catalog 1882-83
Minutes of the Fiftieth Annual Session of the Canaan Baptist Association (Ala.) 1883
Burpee's Farm Annual
Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of William M. Lowe, A Representative from Alabama, Delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, Forty-seventh Congress, second session
Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of John W. Shackelford, A Representative from North Carolina Delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, Forty-seventh Congress, Second Session
Boston Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths, 1630-1699
Catalogue of a Collection of Greek, Roman, Early British, Anglo-Saxon and English Coins
Minutes of the Sixty-Fourth Annual Session of the Alabama Baptist Association 1883
Crawford's Strawberry Culture with Catalogue