101,451 books • 153 series
Descriptive Catalogue of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Roses, etc.
Colorado Cook Book
Illustrated Catalogue of Building Hardware.
Descriptive Catalogue of a Selection of Roses for 1883
Detroit and the Pleasure Resorts of Northern Michigan. Compliments of Passenger Department
Collections of the New York Historical Society for the Year
Bulletin - Bureau of Chemistry
Arlington City Directory
Catalogue of a Highly Important Collection of Modern Pictures and Water-colour Drawings
Biennial Report of the State Board of Health of California for the Years of 1888-1890
Catalogue of the Instructors and Students in the State Normal School at Salem, 1883-84
Catalogue of Photographic Reproductions of Works of Art.
Catalogue of Paintings
Bulletin - United States Geological Survey
Catalogue of Cumberland University 1883
Catalogue of Pictures Belonging to the Earl of Ilchester
Catalogue of a Fine Collection of Coins and Medals of the United States 03/20/1883
Bulletin of The Essex Institute; 1882
Catalogue of Important Paintings
Catalogue of the Fine Collection of Foreign Coins and Medals of Mr. A. Galpin; 05/01/1883
Catalogue of Concordia College 1895
First Annual Report of the Associated Charities of Cambridge. October, 1883
Twenty Fifth Annual Catalogue of The Illinois State Normal University; 1883
Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of John W. Shackelford