129 books • 15 series
Book #1: Let's Pretend This Never Happened
Book #3: Am I the Princess or the Frog?
Book #1: #1 Hasn't This Gone on Long Enough?
Book #2: Super-Nice Are Super-Annoying
Book #1: Lunch Walks Among Us
Book #2: Attack of the 50-Ft. Cupid
Book #3: The Invisible Fran
Book #4: The Fran That Time Forgot
Book #3: The Invisible Fran
Book #1: Can You Hear a Penguin Fart on Mars?
Book #2: N? 2 - Mon Jean Porte-Malheur
Book #4: N? 4 - Inutile, ?a Sert ? Rien
Book #6: VIS Ta Vie Une Bêtise À La Fois
Book #1: Soy Yo. (Catwad #1: It's Me.)
Book #1: Let's Do a Thing!