Book 1

Book 1

Read the hilarious, candid (and sometimes mean) diaries of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything in her diary is true...or at least as true as it needs to be. In this book, Jamie contends with Angeline, the school's most irritatingly perfect girl and the impending visit of her troll-like little cousin. Will Jamie survive? Will she go mad? Will she send her mom's nasty casserole to starving children in Wheretheheckistan? You'll just have to read the first installment of "Dear Dumb Diary" to find out.

Book 2

Sneek a peak inside Jamie's diary...The second hilarious installment of Jamie Kelly's Dear Dumb Diary attempts to answer one burning question: can an ordinary pair o jeans have the power to ward off a toothy beagle, vanquish The prettiest Girl in the World and make the wearer irresistible to the eighth cutest guy in Jamie's class? Or are the haunted pants just, well, haunted?

Book 2

Sneek a peak inside Jamie's diary...The second hilarious installment of Jamie Kelly's "Dear Dumb Diary" attempts to answer one burning question: can an ordinary pair of jeans have the power to ward off a toothy beagle, vanquish Therettiest Girl in the World and make the wearer irresistible to the eighth cutest guy in Jamie's class? Or are the haunted pants just, well, haunted? This title is previously published as "When Bad Clothes Happen to Good People".

Book 3

Read the hilarious, candid (and sometimes mean) diaries of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything in her diary is true ...or at least as true as it needs to be. Jamie has a crush on Hudson (eighth-cutest boy in her year). Someone too-gross-to-be-named has a crush on Jamie. And Hudson has a crush on ...Princess Turd of Turdsylvania (a.k.a. The Prettiest Girl in the World). One thing's for sure, school life is no fairy tale...

Book 3

Read the hilarious, candid (and sometimes not-so-nice), diaries of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything in her diary is true -- or at least as true as it needs to be.

Jamie is crushing on Hudson. Someone too-gross-to-be- named is crushing on Jamie. And Hudson is crushing on . . . Princess Turd of Turdsylvania (a.k.a. The Prettiest Girl in the World).

Middle school may be grim, but it's no fairy tale. And crazy doesn't even begin to cover it.

Book 4

#4 Never Do Anything, Ever

by Jim Benton

Published 1 November 2005

Book 4

Never Do Anything, Ever

by Jim Benton

Published 1 January 2005
Sneak a peek in Jamie's diary...Her best friend's a backstabber. Her worst enemy is a sweetheart. And her dog is just waiting for the right moment to seek his revenge. Why should Jamie even bother going to school? After a run-in with mega-popular Angeline, aka Pure Evil, Jamie reforms her selfish ways and becomes the decent human being she never thought she could be. But, she quickly realizes that helping others kind of stinks...

Book 5

Can Adults Become Human?

by Jim Benton

Published 1 April 2006

Book 5

Read the hilarious, candid (and sometimes not-so-nice), diaries of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything in her diary is true...or at least as true as it needs to be.

Dear Dumb Diary,

My social studies teacher, Mr. VanDoy, never smiles. I know that's hard to believe, because everybody smiles about something, right?

Isabella smiles when her brothers get in trouble. Angeline smiles when she thinks about how much prettier she is than, like, a waterfall or a unicorn. I smile when I think about a unicorn kicking Angeline over a waterfall. But Mr. VanDoy doesn't smile at all. I wonder if when you become an adult, you can lose your sense of humor the way you lose your teeth or hair or fashion sense.

Book 6

Book 6

#6 Problem with Here ...

by Jim Benton

Published 1 June 2007
Jamie Kelly shares with her diary her excitement about the fact that students from Wodehouse Middle School will be going to Mackerel Middle School temporarily.

Book 7

Dear Dumb Diary 7

by Jim Benton

Published 1 June 2009

Book 7

Book 8

Book 9

Book 10

Money can’t buy happiness. But it CAN buy an awesome summer vacation.Dear Dumb Diary,Isabella asked her mom for money, but since Isabella’s mom has THREE children she is three times meaner than a mom with only one, and said no. We tried to escape the room as soon as we saw her mouth begin to form ADULT WISDOM, but she’s fast and hit us with, 'You know, girls, the best things in life are free.''Like money? Isabella asked. 'So, like, free money.nbsp; Free money would be one of the best things in life, right?' Isabella really excels at this sort of question, so her mom really excels at answering them. 'Go outside,' she said.Sneak a peek inside the diary of Jamie Kelly, who promises that everything she writes is true ... or at least as true as it needs to be.

Book 11

Book 12

Book 12