Four tales of strange and wonderful characters pulled from the various cosmoses of the Pathfinder WORLDSCAPE! These tales bring the comic book worlds of Vampirella, Dejah Thoris, The Reanimator, and Swords of Sorrow into a world of fantastic fantasy adventure. Now you can expand your horizons with comic book hereos and villains as your own merry band of adventurers comes together with these four stories collected in Worldscape Volume 3!

Worldscape Vampirella: Vampirella and her old companion, the third-rate magician Pendragon, revive their stage show for a reunion tour that propels them all the way to a fragment of Vampirella's home planet of Drakulon, ensnared in the multi-dimensional Worldscape! There, Vampirella must confront the shades of her past while Pendragon pits his false magic against the very real spells of the Pathfinders Seoni and Seltyiel!

Worldscape Dejah Thoris: When Dejah Thoris and Tars Tarkas investigate a mysterious gap in the memory of John Carter, Warlord of Barsoom, they find themselves hurled into the interdimensional demiplane of the Worldscape. Caught in a bloody conflict between the Council of Jungle Kings and a Technic League captain from Golarion, Dejah Thoris must use both her scientific knowledge and her keen-edged blade to survive the perils of the Worldscape.

Worldscape Reanimator: The blood of a thousand Therns drowns Shareen's arena. Empress Camilla's corpse lies among an army of White Martian dead. To Herbert West, Re-Animator, the arena is a vast laboratory of fresh specimens. Conquering the secret of life and death means unlocking the science of Camilla's fountain of youth, but H. P. Lovecraft's most cantankerous scientist must work fast, before Shareen's next would-be empress comes calling!

Worldscape Swords of Sorrow: From her castle gallery at the edge of Everywhere, the immortal witch known as the Traveller gazes across the multiverse. With Dejah Thoris and Vampirella already drawn into the dimensional prison of the Worldscape, two of her Swords of Sorrow generals are missing. Can the mighty Red Sonja be far behind?