Hi, Worry. Bye, Worry!

by Olivia Rae and Elizabeth Verdick

Published 26 August 2025
Empower children to build habits and skills to deal with worry in healthy ways

Everyone worries sometimes, no matter how old, how smart, or how strong. And everyone can benefit from learning how to manage their worried feelings and thoughts and feel better. Part of the Little Laugh & Learn® series, Hi, Worry. Bye, Worry! offers children simple yet effective tools to cope with and work through worry, beginning with acknowledging worry and inviting it in—for a little while.

This book offers children a range of healthy, empowering worry-taming strategies:

  • Get exercise and move their bodies.
  • Take deep belly breaths.
  • Make art and be creative.
  • Talk to people they trust.
  • Seek quiet time when they need it.

Worries come, and worries go. No matter how big or small children’s worries are, this book is an empathetic resource with a lighthearted tone and humorous illustrations.

Little Laugh & Learn® series

Self-help, kid-style! Kids ages six to nine can tote these handy guides anywhere and boost their skills. With practical advice, silly jokes, fun illustrations, and a kid-centric point of view, these books are the go-to for help with everything, from triumphing over teasing to learning to be a fantastic friend to becoming a self-confidence superstar, and more!