From intrigue in the Court of Chaos to contesting against the Atomic Overlord, Dungeon Crawl Classics are never ordinary. And now seven more classic DCC RPG adventures are compiled in one beautiful tome to challenge and entertain your players. In these pages you’ll find extraplanar realms, treasure-filled towers, demon-cursed caverns, crumbling gothic manses, and radiation-scarred alien worlds to explore.

Battle demons, gods, and monsters, alike, as you quest for gold, magical items, and glory…or for sheer survival! Tome of Adventure #7: Magic, Gods, and Demons contains eight exciting adventures including: Tower of the Black Pearl (Level 1 adventure): The players must race a ticking tidal clock to recover a treasure from a formerly-sunken tower. Intrigue at the Court of Chaos (Level 1 adventure): Whisked away to the Court of Chaos, the PCs find themselves pawns in a multiversal war. Who will the side with? The One Who Watches from Below (Level 1 adventure): An ocular demon haunts an accursed cave. Will the party survive the Curse of the Emerald Eye? Bride of the Black Manse (Level 3 adventure): Death is no barrier to the machinations of a family stricken with madness and desperate to buy out their contract with the forces of darkness. Dragora’s Dungeon (Level 1 adventure): The call goes out for adventurers to save an ensorcelled kingdom from the eldritch power of ancient sorcerer-kings. The Making of the Ghost Ring (Level 4 adventure): The restless ghost of a wizard needs the party to finish crafting a magic ring to find peace. Are they up to the challenge? Hole in the Sky (Level 0 funnel): The enigmatic Lady in Blue requires the party to free a powerful supernatural entity from a magical prison. How will they fare when the Wheel of Destiny spins? Against the Atomic Overlord (Level 5 adventure): A trip to a post-apocalyptic world pits the party against the mutated minions of the Atomic Overlord!

Prepare for Harley Stroh’s sword-and-planet fantasy epic!

Your characters are cast across the cosmos to a foreign world. Left to die beneath a weirdling sun and its sickening rays, their survival depends as much upon a quick wit as a quick blade. Even the finest chain hauberk must fail beneath the crush of an alien horde.

DCC RPG Tome of Adventure Volume 4 is a level 4 exploration-style adventure spanning scores of leagues. On the Purple Planet, your characters cross hundreds of miles of alien wasteland, where they face predatory creatures, deadly mushroom jungles, and thousands of factious savage man-beasts locked in an endless war.

In the course of the sprawling hex-crawl, characters have the opportunity to assume mastery of their own warbands, pit faction against faction, plumb ancient burial mounds, respect the age-old taboos, and experiment with deadly artifacts – the remnants of the Last War.

How characters meet each challenge determines whether they discover the secrets to returning home, or slip beneath the sands of the wastes, succumbing to the perils of the Purple Planet.

For those few with the courage to remain, we offer a world for the conquering.