The Read + Play series of books help children nurture a lifelong love for reading and learning through the power of play. With each story, children are guided through various Read and Play elements to immerse them in the story world experience. Start your child on an enriching journey of learning with Read + Play today!

Series Synopsis
The Read + Play series of books help children nurture a lifelong love for reading and learning through the power of play. With each story, children are guided through various Read and Play elements to immerse them in the story world experience. Start your child on an enriching journey of learning with Read + Play today!

Story Synopsis
Abbie Rose is back with her beloved magic suitcase and ready for her most daring adventure yet. Together with her best friend Billy, the pair set off into the forest to visit a tiger. But when they arrive, they find the beautiful animal caught in a trap. Kind and always creative, Abbie Rose quickly discovers that wild animals want to be free and comes up with a magical idea to free the tigers.

Series Synopsis
The Read + Play series of books help children nurture a lifelong love for reading and learning through the power of play. With each story, children are guided through various Read and Play elements to immerse them in the story world experience. Start your child on an enriching journey of learning with Read + Play today!

Story Synopsis
COULD has no problems sleeping at night. COULDN’T is afraid of the dark and has problems falling asleep at night. COULD shares that there is nothing to be frightened about the dark and the two soon fall asleep.

Series Synopsis
The Read + Play series of books help children nurture a lifelong love for reading and learning through the power of play. With each story, children are guided through various Read and Play elements to immerse them in the story world experience. Start your child on an enriching journey of learning with Read + Play today!

Story Synopsis
DID did all his homework and gets to play. DIDN’T didn’t do his homework and is made to stay indoors. DID shows DIDN’T how to set his priorities right and together they finish their homework, then go out to play.

Series Synopsis
The Read + Play series of books help children nurture a lifelong love for reading and learning through the power of play. With each story, children are guided through various Read and Play elements to immerse them in the story world experience. Start your child on an enriching journey of learning with Read + Play today!

Story Synopsis
WILL is a child who has many friends. He shares with them and they share with him. WON’T is a child who doesn’t like to share. But he soon learns, with the help of WILL, that sharing is the cornerstone of friendship.

Series Synopsis
The Read + Play series of books help children nurture a lifelong love for reading and learning through the power of play. With each story, children are guided through various Read and Play elements to immerse them in the story world experience. Start your child on an enriching journey of learning with Read + Play today!

Story Synopsis
WAS is a child who likes to win, but knows how to lose graciously. WASN’T is a child who also likes to win, but hates to lose. And when he does, he not only loses his temper, he loses his friends. WAS helps WASN’T understand that losing is just part of playing. And whether you win or lose, it should always be fun.