The Crows

by C. M. Rosens

Published 9 May 2024
Her fate is sealed. Her death is inevitable...

Carrie Rickard, leaving an abusive relationship back in London, tries to escape her past by throwing herself into her restoration project: Fairwood House, known to locals of Pagham-on-Sea as The Crows.

Unable to resist as it whispers to her, Carrie’s obsession only grows when she discovers it was the site of a gruesome unsolved murder. As she digs deeper into the mystery, she awakens dark and dangerous forces.

Cue an introduction to her foul-mouthed neighbour, Ricky Porter, who is as obsessed with The Crows as Carrie is, and who has several secrets of his own. Not least of which are what’s really under his hood, and what he’s got in the cellar...

A chilling gothic horror novel of haunted houses, eldritch monsters and things that go bump in the night.


by C. M. Rosens

Published 10 October 2024
Lovecraftian horror meets kitchen sink drama in this darkly funny tale of toxic families, eldritch body horror and female rage.

Katy Porter is the thirteenth child of a thirteenth child in an inbred family of eldritch horrors, and her own eventual metamorphosis will change her into a creature that hungers for her family's flesh.

All Katy wants to do is finish college and go backpacking with her mates, but as her changes creep ever closer and her protector is horribly murdered, that's not looking too likely.

Katy needs allies, but she's stuck with her oldest brother, a drug-addled playboy, and her eyeball-eating cousin, whose idea of protecting her involves abduction, dark rituals, and encouraging her homicidal side.

If anyone is going to survive Katy's transformation, scores need to be settled and fears need to be faced - and Katy is not the only one who needs to face them.

A witty, dark and utterly bewitching eldritch family drama with a Lovecraftian twist set in East Sussex.