Reforming Markets in Health Care

by Peter Smith

Published 1 February 2000
There has been an international move towards the creation of explicit markets in health care, in which the purchase of care is separated from provision. While the creation of such markets has undeniably led to improvements in certain aspects of health care, it has also raised important issues that have yet to be resolved - for example, is an escalation of management costs an inevitable consequence of the introduction of a market in health care? what sort of information is needed to make the market function efficiently? can a market-based system be compatible wit society's objectives relating to equity and solidarity? the UK governments is introducing reforms to the internal care market in the Uk National Health Service which seek to address concerns such as these, and this book comprises a series of commentaries on their plans from a group of leading health economists. Authors examiner the contribution of economics to the debate on the reforms, while seeking to make the analysis accessible to a general audience.
This is recommended reading for students and researchers of health policy and health economics, as well as health professionals and policy makers at all levels in the health services.