Book 1

Glass and Bone

by Celaena Cuico

Published 8 September 2023

Elaenor is merely a pawn on a chessboard with too many kings. Being ripped from one loveless home to be placed in another, Nora is forced to marry a future king. A princess in her own right, she has to learn how to navigate her new role as a Queen all while falling for a man she can't have and figuring out the truth behind her mother's death. War, betrayal, abuse, and devastation fill her world as she fights to survive. A strange dream fills her mind nightly, taunting her with an unknown man with green eyes and images of shattered glass, broken bones, and destruction. What could it mean? Is it merely a dream or a warning? She has a choice to make: royalty and power with a man who terrifies her, or the chance at true love with someone who is forbidden. Or is it possible that fighting to stay alive is her only option?

Book 2

Cages and Crowns

by Celaena Cuico

Published 16 July 2024


Her home has been destroyed, reduced to nothing but glass and bone. Tobias is intent on holding her captive, never allowing her to leave his side. She has to put on the best act of her life in order to keep her sanity. How will she survive his continued torture? Will she succumb to the depression eating away at her mind, or will she finally fight for herself?


It has been three months since the destruction of Chatis. Enzo and Nithe are working endlessly to find a way to infiltrate the Noterran palace to rescue Elaenor, but Tobias isn't making it easy. With the armies from four different countries, his palace is nearly impenetrable. How will they save the queen? Who else will have to be sacrificed to ensure her survival? Could Elaenor live with herself if another person she loves dies instead of her?


by Celaena Cuico

Published 25 April 2024

From seven years old to eighteen, follow along Nora's life with these private and heart wrenching journal entries. Relive her mother's death, Theo's death, and many more...deaths.