Cycling in Summer

by Joseph Coelho

Published 11 September 2023

Big Cat for Little Wandle Fluency has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It consists of a range of chapter books with increasing word counts across 10 fluency levels aimed at children in Year 2 and 3. Each book builds reading confidence, stamina and speed and nurtures a love for reading.

Fluency 1 books have a word count of 2880 words with an expected reading rate of 60 words per minute.

July and her dad love to cycle together in the summer. But when July hits a problem, the ride turns into a lesson. Little does she know her new skills will soon be put to the test!

Ash's Garden

by Joseph Coelho

Published 11 September 2023

Big Cat for Little Wandle Fluency has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It consists of a range of chapter books with increasing word counts across 10 fluency levels aimed at children in Year 2 and 3. Each book builds reading confidence, stamina and speed and nurtures a love for reading.

Fluency 2 books have a word count of 3360 words with an expected reading rate of 70 words per minute.

When Ash's grandpa dies, the garden he loved dies with him. Ash and his grandma decide to bring it back to life. Together they learn about gardening, grafting and pond-building. But with a huge storm and money to raise, it's a big task!