Book 2


While Blood and Scarlet’s mother get ready to defend themselves against the Demon Beast Master of Gévaudan and his demon dogs, Scarlet bemoans the fact that she’s stuck in an infant’s body and can’t help. But Scarlet still has her knowledge from her past 108 lives. Can she come up with a plan to save them all?

Book 3

Scarlet’s maid Mary realises that she’s seen the Beast Master before: he’s the man responsible for the death of her son. In order to avenge her child, Mary leaps into the fray. But Mary’s not a fighter, and Beast Master’s demon dogs soon gain the upper hand. Are Blood and the others strong enough to save Mary, or will Scarlet lose her in this life too?

Book 4

Just when it seemed like Scarlet was going to become lunch for a demon dog, help arrives! Serephi is a young prodigy when it comes to sailing and business, and is already the leader of the Orange Company. He’s also one of the heroes that killed Scarlet in her previous past lives. Can they be allies this time around? Also, Scarlet finally meets Alisa for the first time in this lifetime!