Book 1


by Zara Dusk

Published 20 April 2023

I am the dark Angel's obsession

I am the dark Angel's obsession, and he has come to collect his prize. While I'm at work in the infirmary one day, he appears in the doorway glowing like a blazing sun God, his attention laser-focused on me, and takes me to his home.

His castle is wickedly wealthy, with ornate furnishings, fruits and desserts I've never even heard of, and a delightful underground lake. A far cry from my colorless life in the Undercity. The catch? The dark Angel wants to lock me away and keep me here forever. Because I possess something he craves, a power he can only acquire when I die of natural causes. At least my safety is assured, but my freedom is dead, and his black moods are unbearable.

My captor intends to keep my mind and body under his complete control with his snaking magic of temptation, but I will not succumb. I will escape. Unfortunately, the other males who are fixated on me and my power don't care for my safety. Soon I will have to choose whether to shelter under my dark Angel's wing or wreak my revenge.

Book 2


by Zara Dusk

Published 20 April 2023

Before he can return to heaven, she must kill.

Here I am again in a freaking castle, kidnapped by a power-hungry Angel. Only this time, I've swapped out silk sheets and a killer view for a grimy dungeon with no doors. Yay me.

My sexy Angel, Zaden, has no clue where I am, so as much as I'd like to sit around waiting to be rescued, I need another plan. The violent guards and mute servants aren't about to help. And my best-and only-friend is a prisoner too.

Sometimes life just reaches out and pinches your nipple. It doesn't help when the world is ruled by arrogant males with boundary issues, and every last one of them is after your power.

I need to get stronger. Hone my vestigial magic and learn how to throw a punch. The world won't know what hit them when I reach full strength.

But first, I need to find the damn door.

Book 3


by Zara Dusk

Published 28 April 2023