Explore the ingenious and funny behaviours found in the animal kingdom.

To survive in the animal kingdom, creatures big and small have to learn the tips and tricks that will help them survive, find the best food or just get along with one another. Find out how meerkat parents teach...

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Explore the ingenious and funny behaviours found in the animal kingdom.

To survive in the animal kingdom, creatures big and small have developed clever and sometimes surprising ways to stay alive. Find out how tarantulas shoot arrow-like hairs from their bum when threatened or how the pearlfish hides inside a...

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Explore the ingenious and funny behaviours found in the animal kingdom.

To survive in the animal kingdom, creatures big and small have developed clever and sometimes surprising ways to change their behaviour and adapt to their surroundings. Find out how locusts transform from peaceful loners into an army of ravenous...

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Explore the ingenious and funny behaviours found in the animal kingdom.

Animals can't talk like we do, and yet they have found a variety of different ways to communicate. Find out how dolphins use unique whistles to identify themselves, and how ants leave smelly chemical messages to tell each other...

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How Animals Learn

by Ashley Ward

Published 30 July 2025

How Animals Adapt

by Ashley Ward

Published 30 July 2025

How Animals Communicate

by Ashley Ward

Published 30 July 2025