Book 1

Taken by the Dark Elf King

by Charlotte Swan

Published 25 October 2022

Princess Elveena has never seen a dark elf in her life.

As princess of the light of elves, their two kinds have been separated since before her birth. When a royal messenger arrives inviting them to a ball hosted by the king of the dark elves, Elvie knows she cannot pass up on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Even after the warnings from her father, Elvie knows this will be a night she’ll never forget.

She expected to end the night with sore feet from the endless hours of dancing…not to be engaged to the king himself!

Trapped in this new kingdom, Elvie knows she must make the most of her new situation. With each passing day she learns that King Arkain is not what she thought a dark elf would be like. Sure he is mean and beastly compared to the males she is used to but, Elvie quickly finds that to be the reason he excites her so much.

As the threat of war looms, will this budding passion between Elvie and the king continue to blossom? Or will she lose herself and all that she loves in the process?

Book 2

Royal alchemist Kaethe knows two things:

  1. Drinking tea made from steeped riverhearts will cure almost anything.
  2. Never, ever trust an orc.

But when a rumor that she believes pertains to her missing brother has her leaving the safety and warmth of King Arkain and Queen Elvie’s court, she finds herself in the heart of the orc’s territory. Brokenbone Mountain is rumored to be filled with unspeakable danger. And if you can survive the harsh elements, those foul creatures that call the mountain home will enjoy feasting on your bones.


Bazur, General of the Black Claw Clan, has no time for humans. The years have turned him as cold as the mountain he calls home. The last thing he needs to turn up in one of his traps is a brightly-colored hair human who danger seems to be following like a shadow. Bazur should turn her away and let the beasts have an easy dinner. But there is something about her that stops him. That propels him to take her in and keep her safe.

Even if she seems terrified of him.

When one of his soldiers falls ill, Kaethe is the only one able to save him. In return, Bazur promises her safe passage through the mountain and volunteers to watch over her while she acts as a healer to his village.

As the nights on Brokenbone Mountain grow longer and colder, Kaethe and Bazur learn that the other is not what they appear. Will their distrust for each other give way to the passion brewing between them? Or are some old wounds too deep to heal?