Book 1.1

Christopher Eccleston makes his long-awaited, much-anticipated debut with Big Finish as
the Ninth Doctor in the limited edition vinyl set, containing three brand new adventures.
1.1 Sphere of Freedom.
On the Sphere of Freedom, the Doctor is about to shut down an evil Immersive Games
business empire. He’s assisted by a valiant galley chef called Nova. But his plan spectacularly
fails… And who exactly is Audrey?
1.2 Cataclysm.
Nova is dislocated in time while the Time Eddies are out of control. Meanwhile, the Doctor is
about to face the end of the universe. Or is that just the Battle of Waterloo?
1.3 Food Fight.
The TARDIS is starting to get a little crowded! Audrey finds herself haunted by a ghostly Doctor.
CAST: Christopher Eccleston (The Doctor), Camilla Beeput (Nova), Jayne McKenna (Audrey),
Clare Corbett (Ravager), Ben Lee (Lieutenant Farraday), Anjella MacKintosh
(AI/President/Café Owner), Jamie Parker (Captain Halloran), Dan Starkey (Marcus Aurelius
Gallius). Other parts played by members of the cast.