Book 1


by AC Cobble

Published 1 June 2019

The fate of empire is to crumble from within.

A heinous murder in a small village reveals a terrible truth. Sorcery, once thought dead in Enhover, is not. Evidence of an occult ritual and human sacrifice proves that dark power has been called upon again. Twisting threads of clues lead...

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Book 2


by AC Cobble

Published 30 November 2019

The fate of empire is to crumble from within.

Solving one mystery opened the door to another. In Book 2 of the fan-favorite Cartographer series, Duke Oliver Wellesley and the priestess-assassin Samantha will delve deeper into a world of sorcery & secrets. They will travel to the abandoned, haunted parts...

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Book 3


by AC Cobble

Published 1 May 2020

The fate of empire is to crumble from within.

Duke Oliver Wellesley and the Priestess Samantha unmasked and destroyed a cabal of sorcerers planning an incredible sacrifice. But preventing the horrific bloodshed left lingering questions, and new attacks close to home prove the danger is not over.

Oliver must choose between...

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