The Drama Noodle

by Jessica Lee Anderson

Published 1 January 2023

Saving Snakes

by Jessica Lee Anderson

Published 1 January 2023

When Mum brings home a new houseguest from the exotic animal hospital, it sparks a great idea. Naomi decides to form a snake rescue club with her best friend, Emma, and her brother, Nolan. But tensions arise with her next-door neighbour Taylor, who hates snakes. Will the snakes bring them together or drive them apart? One thing is for certain: rescuing snakes leads to adventures, and even friendships, that Naomi could never have imagined!

Filled with fun snake facts that will intrigue readers whether they’re fans of snakes or not, Naomi Nash Saving Snakes mixes information with an engaging, lively story, making it perfect for all readers of other animal-focused chapter book series as well as those with a particular interest in reptiles.