In comics-style panels full of facts and humor, this lively picture book investigates the amazing lengths animal mothers go to in caring for their young.

An emperor penguin mom treks up to fifty miles to bring food to her hungry chick. A toothy American alligator carefully carries hatchlings...Read more

Raising babies in the wild is a mighty big job, but these super animal dads are up to the task! Packed with cool facts in a fun comics format.

It’s wild out there for baby animals, but nature’s superdads can handle it all. A great horned owl dad...Read more

Supersquads!: Animal Heroes

by Heather Lang and Jamie Harper

Published 18 November 2025
There’s strength in numbers out there in the wild! In a lively comics-style format, the creators of Supermoms! and Superdads! deliver a funny, fascinating look at some ingenious ways that animal squads survive.

Did you know that when honeybees find a food source, they do a dance...Read more