The Mikvah Project

by Josh Azouz

Published 8 March 2018

A playful and poignant play about two men who meet every Friday in a north-west London Mikvah, a traditional Jewish pool used for ritual cleansing.

Avi is married but childless. Eitan’s voice is breaking and he's having wet dreams. At the Mikvah they talk about football, the synagogue choir, women. And as their bond deepens, a transformation begins…

Josh Azouz's play The Mikvah Project premiered at The Yard, London, in 2015, directed by the theatre’s Artistic Director, Jay Miller.

Buggy Baby

by Josh Azouz

Published 8 March 2018

A horror comedy about trying to build a normal life when nothing about life is normal.

Jaden, Nur and baby Aya have escaped another country and ended up in a rotting room in London. While Nur is at college, Jaden chews leaves and has visions of giant rabbits with burning red eyes. He thinks Aya is someone else, someone dangerous. But she’s just a baby. Isn't she?

Josh Azouz's play Buggy Baby premiered at The Yard, London, in March 2018, directed by Ned Bennett.