Book 1

The Triangle Of Alliance

Published 23 July 2022
If someone told you, you were destined to save the Universe, could you rise to the challenge?
Teenagers Seth, Con and Zelda must do just that. Brought together by the seer, X, a man with his own cross to bear, they are
The Triangle of Alliance and it falls to them to prevent the takeover of the Universe by arch nemesis the Insidious Force.

A children's sci-fi fantasy tale of good versus evil, Triangle of Alliance sees teenage protagonists Seth, Con and Zelda face off against the Insidious Force who are intent to take over the Universe. Seth, an impossibly cool fifth-former, is initially a rebel without a cause. Zelda is a Maths geek, who shines her quiet brilliance, for she
was born knowing that triangles are her future. Con, ever the new boy at school, feels like a social misfit in his daily life. However, it is through his passion for comics that he gets pulled into this, the greatest adventure of his life, and he comes to realise the significance and responsibility that has been bestowed upon him.

Heroes are manifested from the circumstances that necessitate their existence. Those circumstances unfold in part one (series 1) when the heralded ones - a boy and a girl - are born as the fulfillment of a prophecy. However, a third "runt" child appears as though an afterthought by the Universe. And because he is unexpected and believed not to be gifted, he grows up in the shadow of his siblings. This breeds resentment and rage resulting in dire consequences for the
The expanding Universe is composed of seven parts called levels. At some unknown future time it will stop expanding and will coalesce to re-form as one. The struggle between the Triangle and the Insidious Force takes place on the middle levels - levels three and four. Through manipulation of the laws of nature, and the formulation of a virus, the Insidious Force attempt to take control of the entire Universe. It falls to The Triangle to put paid to their plans and restore balance. At every turn danger presents itself. Finally, both sides find themselves locked in a stalemate. It seems the Triangle triumph in the battle, yet the story concludes with a hint that ultimately, they may not have won the war.