Teaching Stories
96 total works
The Spoiled Boy with the Terribly Dry Throat / L'enfant gâté à la gorge affreusement sèche
by Idries Shah
The Spoiled Boy with the Terribly Dry Throat / Der verwöhnte Junge mit der schrecklich trockenen Kehle
by Idries Shah
The Palace of the Man in Blue / Палац Чоловіка в блакитному вбранні
by Idries Shah
The Palace of the Man in Blue / Mavi Giysili Adamın Sarayıl
by Idries Shah
The Palace of the Man in Blue / Het paleis van de man in het blauwl
by Idries Shah
The Palace of the Man in Blue / El palacio del hombre de azul
by Idries Shah
The Spoiled Boy with the Terribly Dry Throat / De verwende jongen met de vreselijk droge keel
by Idries Shah