Curse Breaker

by Simon Tudhope

Published 15 September 2022

This magically illustrated gamebook plunges you into a story with a difference - one where the hero is YOU.

But as you stare out at the stars from your prison cell window, you're not feeling very heroic. You, a city guard, thrown in jail because someone whispered a word in your ear. Just a single word...

Then your cell door creaks open, and you're let loose on an epic adventure where every choice is yours, and your survival depends upon the decisions you make. Who to fight? Who to trust? In a world that's unravelling before your eyes, the mystery goes deeper than you could possibly have dreamt.

Bringing together a thrilling story, beautifully illustrated picture puzzles and an exciting combat system (with a link to an online dice-roller), this is an adventure that will have you gripped from beginning to end.

Portal of Chaos

by Simon Tudhope

Published 7 November 2024

This magically illustrated gamebook plunges you into a story with a difference - one where the hero is YOU.

Not that you have any interest in being a hero. You're a bounty hunter, and in your line of work heroes don't last long. But now you've been given a mission you can't refuse. Make it out alive, and you'll never need to work again. Fail, and, well... you'll never need to work again.

And so, staring up at the stars from the cockpit of your spacecraft, you blast off into an epic adventure where every choice is yours, and your survival depends upon the decisions you make. Who to fight? Who to trust? In a book where nothing is as it seems, you start to see that it's not just your fate hanging in the balance. No, this is bigger than your mission. Far bigger. The universe needs a hero - and like it or not, that hero is you!

Bringing together a thrilling story, beautifully illustrated picture puzzles and an exciting combat system, this is an adventure that will have you gripped from beginning to end.