Tarot for Beginners

by Sarah Bartlett

Published 11 October 2022

Unlock your own innate psychic potential with this accessible tarot reference

This is your step-by-step guide to learning to read and interpret this mystical deck of seventy-eight cards. Tarot for Beginners explains the mystery and power of tarot through easy-to-understand text and simple, interactive lessons and exercises. Learn the symbolic mirror of opportunity that tarot provides to help you to make crucial decisions, confirm your true desires for the future, and enhance self-understanding.

Tarot for Beginners will help you build your skills and learn all there is to know about reading the tarot without the complication and confusion that burdens more advanced books on the subject. You will be successfully channeling the messages offered in the tarot almost immediately. This essential reference features:

  • Tarot basics-Perfect for the absolute beginner, learn the history of tarot, what deck to choose, how to care for your deck, the significance of card-selection order and card positions, and how to access and learn to trust your intuition.
  • Paths to connect with the meanings of the cards-The book includes a survey of the meanings and example interpretations of every card of the major and minor arcana accompanied by exercises for connecting with their individual energies.
  • Tips for building confidence-Get acquainted with a variety of different spreads, learning from example interpretations, and build your intuitive power culled from the cards for your growth and self-awareness.

Build your confidence quickly as you learn to harness the psychic power of the tarot deck, and soon you will begin to see what you couldn't before. This new power will strengthen your decision-making at work and with money, relationships, family, and your own path to happiness.

Manifest your dreams with easy-to-follow spells that align with the cycles of nature and the universe.

Magic can change your life and help you manifest your best self. Anyone with the curiosity and willingness can connect to the power of the natural and supernatural and to blend ancient practices in a modern context. Adapted from Sarah Bartlett's The Witch's Spellbook, this guide gives new and aspiring witches a simple path to the art of practical magic and the empowerment of magic spells.

Following an introduction to the basics of witchcraft, The Witch's Spellbook for Beginners holds an abundance of spells organized by concern-including your self, change, wishes, love, home and family, career, money, and protection. Whether you are looking to channel spirit guides and those who have passed over, need a protection amulet for you or a loved one, or manifest a new direction that aligns with your life's desires, this spellbook will empower and inform your budding craft as a witch. Harness the power of the astrological elements, explore the lunar cycles and how they can enhance your magic, and embrace the seasons to amplify your spells and divination work.

The spells include:

  • Find Your Life Direction
  • Restore Holistic Health
  • Make a Decision
  • Manifest an Aspiration
  • Ignite Desire
  • Get Over a Breakup
  • Change Careers
  • Open the Door to Prosperity
  • Banish Negativity

Plan your spellwork by date, season, and lunar phase, and identify spells that can be used any time, using the calendar index of spells at the back of the book.

Start your journey into witchcraft with purposeful and practical spells for every day and every event.