Olive the Octopus

by Catherine Veitch

Published 1 March 2022
Olive the Octopus
This charming tale by Catherine Veitch tells the story of Olive the octopus, and her quest to discover who is eating too much of her precious seaweed forest habitat. Olive turns detective, investigating every animal she meets – but it’s not until she encounters some playful...Read more

Pippi the Penguin

by Catherine Veitch

Published 1 April 2022
Pippi the Penguin
This charming tale by Catherine Veitch tells the story of Pippi, an emperor penguin who is the best at finding food for her chick, Ella. Pippi is brilliant at swimming, sliding and diving - the other penguins can barely keep up with her! But when Ella...Read more

Seb the Seahorse

by Catherine Veitch

Published 28 July 2022
Seb the Seahorse
This charming tale by Catherine Veitch tells the story of Seb, a spiny seahorse who isn't sure that he's special. His friends are super at swimming fast, building things and looking beautiful, and Seb feels left behind. But when disaster strikes and his friends need help,...Read more