We Use It Every Day
2 total works
Reveal the hidden science all around us! People use science every single day in their jobs, sometimes without realising! From a smoothie maker creating a vortex to blend fruit and vegetables to firefighters extinguishing a blaze by breaking the fire triangle, the jobs and occupations at the heart of...Read more
Reveal the hidden science all around us! People use science every single day in their jobs, sometimes without realising! From a smoothie maker creating a vortex to blend fruit and vegetables to firefighters extinguishing a blaze by breaking the fire triangle, the jobs and occupations at the heart of this super-creative non-fiction read will inspire all children to seek out the everyday science in the world around us.
Reveal the hidden maths all around us! People use maths every single day in their jobs, sometimes without realising! From a football coach studying the stats to a chef making sure everyone’s food is ready at the same time, the jobs and occupations at the heart of this super-creative...Read more
Reveal the hidden maths all around us! People use maths every single day in their jobs, sometimes without realising! From a football coach studying the stats to a chef making sure everyone’s food is ready at the same time, the jobs and occupations at the heart of this super-creative non-fiction read will inspire all children to seek out the everyday maths in the world around us.