Attack of the Fungi

by William Anthony

Published 1 March 2022
Dive into the weird and wonderful world of monstrous microbes to find out all about these pint-sized problems. From fungal frights to festering feet and everything in between, get up close and personal with some of the tiniest terrors on the planet!

Attack of the Viruses

by William Anthony

Published 1 March 2022
Dive into the weird and wonderful world of monstrous microbes to find out all about these pint-sized problems. From viral sneezes to mean diseases and everything in between, get up close and personal with some of the tiniest terrors on the planet.

Wasps and Bees

by William Anthony

Published 1 March 2022
Are you ready to become the world's newest expert on wasps and bees? Great! Let's get to work!

Some life cycles are beautiful, other life cycles are fascinating, but the life cycle of a hippopotamus is absolutely gross! From pinging poo to fighting foes, hippos have one of the smelliest and grossest life cycles on our planet.

Some life cycles are beautiful, other life cycles are fascinating, but the life cycle of a black widow spider is absolutely gross! From setting up traps to eating each other, black widow spiders have one of the deadliest and grossest life cycles on our planet.

My Pet Snake

by William Anthony

Published 2 May 2022
So you have a new snake? How exciting!

But what now? Never fear, inside this book, Jay and Monty are just waiting to tell you everything you need to know. Don’t wait any longer, go and say hello!

My Pet Guinea Pig

by William Anthony

Published 2 May 2022
So you have a new guinea pigs? How exciting!

But what now? Never fear, inside this book, Zoe and Fudge are just waiting to tell you everything you need to know. Don’t wait any longer, go and say hello!