Thinking about our body's functions can be scary, especially when it morphs into Health Anxiety that gets in the way of everyday life. Facing Mighty Fears About Health teaches 4 steps to manage 'false alarm' fears. Fun Facts about the body engage children, while a Note to Parents and Caregivers and supplemental Resource section make this the perfect guide for parents and mental health professionals.

This book is part of the Dr. Dawn's Mini Books About Mighty Fears series, designed to help children ages 6-10 tackle their fears and live happier lives.

Many children are afraid of baddies and villains who do, in fact, do hurtful things. But sometimes fear far outstrips danger, and even children who are safe feel apprehensive all the time. Facing Mighty Fears About Baddies and Villains teaches 3 steps to help manage ongoing fears. Fun Facts engage children, while a Note to Parents and Caregivers and supplemental Resource section make this the perfect guide for parents and mental health professionals.

This book is part of the Dr. Dawn's Mini Books About Mighty Fears series, designed to help children ages 6-10 tackle their fears and live happier lives.

Many children avoid taking on challenges, melting down when the going gets tough. But doing things you aren't very good at is one of the best ways to keep your brain healthy and strong. That means it's okay to mess up, and fumble, and fail. In fact, you should do these things. Mistakes are exactly what your brain needs to grow. Facing Mighty Fears About Making Mistakes helps 6-10-year-olds get more comfortable with imperfection. Fun Facts about famous mistakes engage children, while a Note to Parents and Caregivers and supplemental Resource Section make this the perfect guide for parents and mental health professionals.

This book is part of the Dr. Dawn's Mini Books About Mighty Fears series designed to help children ages 6-10 tackle their fears and live happier lives.

Many children worry about doing things on their own, with fears escalating to the point of not being able to leave their parents' side. But staying with a parent isn't always possible, and doing things independently is an important part of growing up. Facing Mighty Fears About Being Apart From Parents teaches 3 steps to manage oversize fears. Fun Facts about separation in the animal kingdom keep children engaged, while a Note to Parents and Caregivers and Supplemental Resource section make this the perfect guide for parents and mental health professionals.

This book is part of the Dr. Dawn's Mini Books About Mighty Fears series, designed to help children ages 6-10 tackle their fears and live happier lives.