Enter Christine Pym's adorable bug world and discover the importance of taking turns, being fair and sharing our planet with all living things. There's plenty to talk about and be inspired by.

Clamber up branches and peek through leaves to discover the wonderful jobs trees do, from cleaning our air and keeping us cool to protecting our planet and providing homes for all kinds of wildlife.

Lift the flaps to discover the answers to all kinds of delightful questions, from whether hibernators get hungry and how honeybees stay warm, to which animals migrate the furthest and why they don't need maps.

Worms are so much more than wiggly minibeasts. This bold, bright and brilliant book delves underground, discovering what worms do all day (and night), exploring a wonderful world of microbes, plant roots and creepy crawlies, and revealing the crucial role they all play in making soil just right for plants to grow.

News of war can make children anxious, concerned and upset. This book gently explains how wars come about, how they have changed over time, who's there to help during wartime, what happens when a war is over and how we can all make the world more peaceful. Written in a clear, approachable style, with carefully chosen examples, Why are there wars? is both informative and reassuring. Internet links suggest positive projects for children, including making origami peace doves.