Uhtred, el pagano (VII)

by Bernard Cornwell

Published 1 September 2015
At the beginning of the 10th century, England was in turmoil. After the death of Alfred the Great, it is Edward, his son, who now reigns. Wessex survives as best it can, but it seems that peace is unsustainable: the Danes, to the north, led by the Viking Cnut Longsword, are prepared to invade the county, and they will not rest until they obtain the emerald crown. Uhtred, Alfredo's best and most important warrior, now has no favor with the new king, and must lead a group of outlaw men, including his son, to reconquer his old House, The Great Northumbrian Fortress, Bebbanburg. But the Viking warlord Cnut Longsword is gathering an army. When his warlords answer the call, loyalties will be divided and many men will die in the bloodiest battles to date between the Saxon peoples and the Danes. It will be Uhtred, lord of the outcasts, who will take the reins of the destiny of an entire nation in his hands.


Northumbria I (rtca)

by Bernard Cornwell

Published 1 January 2018
En el 866 Uhtred, un joven anglosajÓn de ascendencia aristocrÁtica, vive escindido entre dos mundos antagÓnicos. Desde pequeÑo vive entre vikingos, pues fue raptado por estos, lo que le otorga una situaciÓn privilegiada desde la que enjuiciar las costumbres, las creencias y los ritos de sajones y daneses. Poco a poco Uhtred va ganÁndose el respeto de los vikingos por su audacia y su valentÍa, pero, como no podÍa ser de otra manera, llega un momento en que la cuestiÓn de la identidad se convierte para Él en un peso difÍcil de soportar.
La habilidad de Cornwell para presentar cuestiones de largo alcance mediante novelas de aventuras, ajustadas a los acontecimientos histÓricos y su innegable capacidad para narrar grandes y violentas batallas brilla en todo su esplendor.
Bernard Cornwell es uno de los escritores vivos de mayores ventas en todo el mundo. Escogido en el aÑo 2000 como uno de los 25 autores del siglo XX preferidos por los lectores britÁnicos. Sus novelas han sido traducidas a veintitrÉs lenguas y adaptadas al teatro y la la televisiÓn. Recientemente se han calculado las ventas de Cornwell en todo el mundo en mÁs de 30 millones de ejemplares.

In 866 Uhtred, a young Anglo-Saxon of aristocratic descent, lives split between two antagonistic worlds. Since he was little he has lived among Vikings, as he was kidnapped by them, which gives him a privileged situation from which to judge the customs, beliefs and rites of Saxons and Danes. Little by little Uhtred is gaining the respect of the Vikings for his audacity and his bravery, but, how could it be otherwise, there comes a time when the question of identity becomes a difficult weight for him to bear.

Eduardo y su hermana Eteflelda, hijos del rey Alfredo, dirigen ahora los destinos de Wessex, Mercia y Anglia Oriental. A su alrededor, los hombres del norte, siempre inquietos, siguen deseando las riquezas que contienen las tierras e iglesias inglesas, y ya preparan nuevas incursiones. Uhtred de Bebbamburg, el mejor de los guerreros de todos los reinos, mantiene controlados a sus enemigos desde la fuertemente fortificada ciudad de Chester, pero la situaciÓn parece que se complica por momentos. Los hombres del norte, aliados ahora con los irlandeses, dirigidos por el feroz guerrero Ragnall Ivarson, se estÁn reuniendo en Northumbria, y su fuerza podrÍa resultar aplastante. Si bien la amenaza crece dÍa a dÍa, Eduardo y Eteflelda se mantienen reacios a salir de la seguridad de sus fortalezas. Y, pese a que la propia hija de Uhtred estÁ casada con el hermano de Ivarson, ¿realmente se puede confiar en ellos? En una lucha entre la familia y la lealtad, entre la ambiciÓn personal y el compromiso polÍtico, no existe un camino fÁcil. Pero, si hay alguna salida, un hombre recto con el coraje suficiente puede ser capaz de encontrarla. AsÍ es Uhtred, y Éste puede ser su momento…

Eduardo and his sister Eteflelda, children of King Alfred, now direct the destinies of Wessex, Mercia and East Anglia. Around him, the men of the north continue to desire the riches contained in the English lands and churches, and are already preparing new raids. Uhtred of Bebbamburg, the best warrior of all kingdoms, keeps his enemies in check from the heavily fortified city of Chester, but the situation seems to get complicated. The Northmen, now allied with the Irish, led by the fierce warrior Ragnall Ivarson, are gathering in Northumbria, and their strength could prove overwhelming. Although the threat grows by the day, Eduardo and Eteflelda remain reluctant to leave the safety of their strongholds. In a struggle between family and loyalty, personal ambition and political commitment, there is no easy path. But, if there is a way out, a righteous man of sufficient courage may be able to find it. This is Uhtred, and this may be his moment.


Sigtryggr, the Viking ruler of Northumbria, and the Saxon queen of Mercia, Eteflelda, have agreed to a truce. Faced with the unexpected calm, Uhtred of Bebbanburg finally has a chance to reclaim the home that his traitor's uncle stole from him so many years ago and is now still occupied by his scheming cousin. However, fate is inexorable. A new enemy is going to participate in the fight for the kingdoms of England: the fearsome Constantin of Scotland seizes the moment to begin his conquest and leads his armies south. Suddenly, the precarious peace threatens to turn into a bloody war. Uhtred is determined that nothing, neither the new nor the old enemies, will take him away from his rights and his heritage. He is the lord of Bebbanburg. And he will achieve his dream even if all the skills learned throughout a life full of battles are necessary.


In 911 the forces of Wessex and Mercia are once again united against the Danes, but instability and the threat of Viking raids are still threatening. Etereldo, the king of Mercia, has died without leaving an heir and the dispute for the throne is expected to be conflictive. Uhtred has always supported Eteflelda, sister of King Edward of Wessex and widow of Etereldo. Loved and respected, Eteflelda has all the qualities of a great leader, but could Saxon warriors accept a woman ruling their destinies? Worried about this, Uhtred also continues to drag the wounds received during the last battle with Cnut Longsword. She knows she needs to find the sword with which she struck him, but lost in the blood and mud of battle, where could she be now? In this eighth installment of the epic Vikings, Normans and Saxons saga, Bernard Cornwell brings to life the heartbreaking and turbulent story of a nation torn apart by sectarian and religious violence.