Book 1

Hidden from Hades

by Skye Wilson

Published 21 June 2021

Hades is coming for me. But that doesn’t mean he can have me . . .

He says he knows me. Who I am. What I am.

I’m pretty sure my boss Hayden is on some sort of weird power trip. He’s sexy as hell, but has an arrogance that spells danger. I’m only serving drinks in his seedy strip club until I can afford my own flower shop. I just have to avoid the inexplicable pull between us in the meantime.

Then he claims I’m Persephone and he’s Hades, the God of the Underworld. He says I was hidden from him after a curse was put on him, and now he’s here to awaken my spirit so he can take me back to the underworld. That his position in the underworld depends on it.

Either he’s crazy . . . or I’m a mythical goddess. A queen of the underworld. His Queen.

Except if I was his Queen, he needs to do more than seduce me. I’d want him to love me. To Hell and back. No matter how strong the attraction is that burns between us, it’s obvious someone like him isn’t capable of love.

And there’s no way I’m going back to the underworld without a fight . . .

Hidden From Hades (formerly known as The Cursed God) is a 66k word book, it is the first book in a trilogy, and ends on a cliffhanger. It's recommended for an 18+ audience.

Book 2

Tempting The God

by Skye Wilson

Published 28 August 2021

I’m Hades Queen, and not even a war will keep us apart . . .

It turns out I’m Queen of the Underworld. Hades’ Queen. I love him with the fiercest passion. Except we may never be together when Pirithous is unleashing lost souls on Seattle and Hades has gone to war to stop him. I’m in hiding to stay safe, but I’ll be damned if I let Hades fight this war alone . . .

My love for Persephone could end everything

With every soul I destroy, the darkness inside me grows stronger. But if I stop, Pirithous will get what he’s after—Persephone. I know someone powerful is helping him. Someone we trust. To keep my Queen safe, I need to find out who, and then end it.

There’s only one problem. The power I must draw on to destroy the evil is a formidable ancient magic that has the power to destroy us too...

Book 3

A God Possessed

by Skye Wilson

Published 29 October 2021

Prometheus is out for vengeance. And so am I...

The end is near. I can sense it. The relic in me has only one goal—to obliterate anything and anyone who threaten Persephone and our son. Its hunger is consuming me.

My love for Persephone is keeping me grounded... for now. Soon she’ll give birth to our child, and I will do anything to protect them. Even if it means I’m destroyed in the process.

When Fate confirms our worst fears that Prometheus seeks to use our baby for his own gain—and that he’s not alone—I feel the ruthlessness in me growing stronger.

Before it’s too late, I must stop them and uncover the truth behind their evil plans. And when I do . . . Gods help us all, because there’s no telling who will survive.