This book investigates in detail some new spoof surface plasmon polaritons (SSPPs) structures and their applications to antenna. It introduces the working principle and radiation characteristics of directional antenna, omnidirectional antenna, reconfigurable antenna and phase-mode antenna based on SSPPs structure. Especially, the irregular SSPPs structure, such as T-shaped and...

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This book investigates in detail the antenna optimization method with binary coding and their applications to antenna design. It introduces the binary coding principle and optimization method, the method of binary coding corresponding to geometry structure. In further, the designs by binary coding optimization method of following items are...Read more

This book investigates in detail the generalized principle of the pattern multiplication (GPPM) and its application to new phased array with high performances. It introduces the generalized element factor (GEF) to small aperture with multi-modes. Based on the GEF, the GPPM can be used to construct the wide-angle scanning...

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